Work on the Minjerribah Panorama Coastal Walk project at Point Lookout/Mulumba on North Stradbroke Island/Minjerribah is about to enter its final phase, paving the way for completion of the new walkway in mid-2023.
Redland City Mayor Karen Williams said works would recommence on 23 January with a focus on completing the replacement of Frenchman’s Stairs and continuing the boardwalk to Point Lookout Village.
“It’s very exciting to see this project nearing completion, knowing that the new infrastructure will provide better access to those looking to experience the magic of this spectacular coastal area,” Cr Williams said.
“Contractors will be completing the revamp of Frenchman’s Stairs, during which time access to Frenchman’s Beach will be available via Deadman’s Beach.
“They will also continue working on the boardwalk and walkway that, when finished, will see Cylinder Beach linked to Point Lookout Village, which during community consultation locals told us was important to them.”

Division 2 Councillor Peter Mitchell said the coastal walk would support the island community and its priority as a tourism economy.
“When complete, this project will provide another walk experience that will draw visitors and provide a way for everyone in the community to safely enjoy the island’s natural beauty,” Cr Mitchell said.
“The coastal walk will also provide additional environmental and cultural heritage protections to the area, helping to ensure walkers do no harm while taking in the spectacular panoramic views.
“The first stage of the coastal walk between Snapper Street and Frenchman’s Stairs, completed last year, has proved incredibly popular and this final connection will help ensure the island’s popularity now and into the future.”
Stage two works are expected to be completed in mid-2023, weather and site conditions permitting.
They include roadway upgrades, continuation of the pedestrian pathway and boardwalks from Frenchman’s Stairs to Point Lookout Village, completion of the renewal of Frenchman’s Stairs down to Frenchman’s Beach, renewed picnic areas and facilities, and additional car park spaces on the southern side of Mooloomba Road.
During works, the work site area will remain fenced off, with refuge areas and openings in place when safe and where possible to allow for wildlife movement.
Variable Message Signs warning people to be aware of kangaroos on the road will remain in place at each approach to the project site until the works are completed.
Pedestrians will continue to be directed to walk along the path on the built-up side of Mooloomba Road.
Stage two of the Minjerribah Panorama Coastal Walk project received State Government funding through the South East Queensland Community Stimulus Program.
More information on the project is available on Council’s Your Say webpage.