Redland City Council is achieving the housing targets set by the State Government.
Mayor Karen Williams said she was therefore surprised by the Deputy Premier’s announcement that he would be undertaking a new housing strategy for the city.
“The State Government signed off on our City Plan in 2018 and our current Redlands Housing Strategy takes us to 2031,” Cr Williams said.
“I spoke with the Deputy Premier just yesterday afternoon about housing and he indicated his willingness to work collaboratively with Council.
“He did not advise of his upcoming letter or his decision to undertake a housing strategy for us.”

Cr Williams said the Redlands community would accept housing growth when it came with the needed infrastructure such as roads, hospitals and schools.
“A housing strategy without a plan for infrastructure is not a plan,” she said.
Cr Williams said the State’s latest Land Supply and Development Monitoring Report in 2021 showed Redland City had sufficient residential land to meet expected needs
“It is also one of the few councils in south-east Queensland achieving its dwelling targets, in terms of supply and demand and housing mix, imposed by the SEQ Regional Plan,” she said.
“Council has also been waiting on the latest population and dwelling projections from the State Government, which would enable a review of the SEQ Regional Plan and support Council in reviewing its own housing strategy.
“Council has already significantly progressed a new local plan for a new emerging community at South West Victoria Point and is working with the Queensland Government in progressing a Priority Growth Area located in Southern Redland Bay.
“Between them, these two communities will provide about 6500 new dwellings.”
Cr Williams said the Deputy Premier’s move made it clear to the community that the State was responsible for planning.
“For almost a decade I have been calling on the State Government to deliver a community education campaign on planning and growth so that the region understands how planning operates and who is responsible,” she said.