Redland City Council’s Parks and Conservation crews will undertake a hazard reduction burn in a section of bushland within Don & Christine Burnett Conservation Area on Friday 19 August 2022, weather permitting.
The location of the burn area is 361-381 Avalon Road, Sheldon.
The following mountain bike (MTB) track will be closed during the burn:
- Wiry Panic Link.
The entrance track and northern extent of Quarry Road multi-use trail will remain open to allow reserve access, but caution is advised.
Signage and mesh will be erected on site to prevent access to the MTB areas which are closed to walkers and riders, and advisory signage will be put up at entrances to the reserve while the burn is underway.

The purpose of the burn is to reduce the volume of forest litter fuel, which will assist with hazard reduction – reducing the fire danger and providing conditions essential for native regeneration.
It is appreciated that this burn may cause some inconvenience, however all attempts will be made to limit any smoke hazards.
For more information about Council’s planned burn program, visit