Update as at 6.15pm:
A fire is burning in bushland on North Stradbroke Island south of Blaksley campground and north of Prices Anchorage in Naree Budjong Djara National Park.
QFD Stay Informed advice remains in place.
Avoid Smoke advice for Dunwich, across to Main Beach and south to Blaksley’s Campground remains in place.
QFD and Queensland Parks and Wildlife Service remain on site and advise there is currently no threat to people or homes.
Blaksley’s campground remains closed.
For the latest advice and emergency warnings:
- Monitor Council’s Disaster Dashboard at disaster.redland.qld.gov.au
- Follow Redland City Council on Facebook or Council’s news site at redlandscoasttoday.com.au
- Tune in to Bay FM 100.3
A fire is burning in bushland on North Stradbroke Island south of Blaksley campground and north of Prices Anchorage in Naree Budjong Djara National Park.
Queensland Fire Department and Queensland Parks and Wildlife Service are on site and advise there is currently no threat to people or homes.
Blaksley campground has been closed and 13 people who were camping on Friday night were safely evacuated off the island.
People who have since arrived are advised to leave the area immediately. Please avoid heading to the area and do not land boats on the beach at Blaksley.

The fire was started by lightning strike about 8.10pm on Friday and is contained to swamp area that is only publicly accessible via water.
For the latest advice and emergency warnings:
- Monitor Council’s Disaster Dashboard at disaster.redland.qld.gov.au
- Follow Redland City Council on Facebook or Council’s news site at redlandscoasttoday.com.au
- Tune in to Bay FM 100.3