Redland Art Gallery (RAG) is delighted to have ten works from its collection on display in both Redlands and Brisbane.
One of RAG’s most recent acquisitions ‘Black seeds’ by Carol McGregor – has been loaned to Museum of Brisbane for their exhibition Tastes like Sunshine.
Black seeds – created with possum skins, cotton, ochre, ash and resin – took out the 2016 Redland Art Awards’ local environment prize and will be on display as part of Tastes like Sunshine at Brisbane City Hall until 12 November 2017.

The Museum of Brisbane exhibition explores the flavoursome side of Brisbane city’s character and reveals its rich and evolving food story through contemporary art, personal stories and historical documents, and images.
Queensland Art Gallery/Gallery of Modern Art is currently displaying two fibre garments from the RAG collection by Indigenous artists Hannah Gutchen and Hannah Brontë as part of the exhibition Time and Tides: Art in the Torres Strait Islands, Queensland.
On display in South Brisbane until 5 August 2018, Time and Tides sees Torres Strait Islander artists embrace the beauty of the environment and reflect the diversity and depth of the culture. It features powerful ceremonial and decorative objects.
Closer to home, RAG has loaned Pacific Islander works from the collection, including three textiles, two bilums and two prints to Redland Performing Arts Centre (RPAC), Cleveland, for its Wantok Melanesian Display.
On show until to 30 September 2017 in the RPAC concert hall foyers, The Wontok Melanesian Display exhibits captivating community-based works from Melanesian artists.